A family message board in a phone

Mobile App for family planning, organization, and online communication. Safe for children and older generation friendly.

A family message board in a phone

Assistant in a family planning

We will help you to be on time and remember everything

We know that it is very important for a family to spend some quality time together. It might be very difficult to find a free moment in a challenging daily programme. Familyboard will help you to be in a contact with your family during the whole day. The app enables you to deal with and solve your family challenges and and it allows you to experience moments of joy as well.

Create a shopping list
Do not forget to pick up your children from after-school activitites
Do not forget birthdays or namedays
Accomplish all assignments
Make a list of presents
Put together a menu

Different color for each member of the family

Every member of a family can choose his or her color, which the member will use in the app. At first glance, he or she will see which events or assignments concern him of her nebo involve him or her.

Familyboard Ukázka použití kalendáře

Well-arranged planning calendar

Every member of the family has his or her column in our calendar, in which appears his or her events that are distinguished by the member´s colour for better orientation.

Familyboard Ukázka použití kalendáře

Lists and assignments

Familyboard will enable you to write things down in an easy way (for instance you can create shopping lists or lists of items for holidays). Every item can be marked as „done“ so you do not forget anything. Moreover you can mark the whole list as an task, and assign it to a different family member and monitor when the task is fulfilled.

Familyboard Seznamy a úkoly
Familyboard Poznámky a vzkazy

Notes and messages

You can leave your family members a message, greetings or just to take a note. You can share the note with the whole family or only with some members. Moreover, you can create a note that only you can see.

Familyboard Poznámky a vzkazy

Simple display

The design of the Familyboard app Is convenient for all groups of users. Even for children and seniors who do not have much experience with modern technologies. You can swith the app to a simpler mode so that less skilled users can intuitivelly use it.

Zjednodušené zobrazení

Help us to improve Familyboard

The app was developed for you to make your life easier. We are still trying to improve the app, that is why we are interested in your opinions and ideas.

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    Jako odměnu jste také získali slevu ve výši 30% na předplatné v aplikaci. O uplatnění slevy vás budeme informovat těsně než bude aplikace připravena ke stažení.

    Kdybyste pro nás měli další poznámky, názory, pochvalu či kritiku, neváhejte se nám ozvat na info@familyboard.cz.